With more than 15 years of experience, ALPAO aims to revolutionize optics by removing aberrations. The company designs and manufactures a complete range of adaptive optics products for use in research and industry since 2008.ALPAO understands your needs and provides you with the best components: deformable mirrors, wavefront sensors and software for your application. Our products are tailor-made for various applications such as astronomy, ophthalmology, microscopy, wireless optical communications and laser applications. Their unrivalled performance enable to recover very high-resolution images.ALPAO has introduced several products over the years, such as deformable mirrors (DM), it s own wavefront sensor for closed loop operations, the DM97-08 dedicated to vision science application a large size DM (DMX) and a modal deformable mirror. ALPAO also delivered the largest European deformable mirror which includes 3.228 actuators.Adaptive Optics is a unique technology used to improve the performance of optical systems. The effect of incoming wavefront distortions can be corrected via a deformable mirror to compensate for the most common optical aberrations. Invented for astronomy, Adaptive Optics has come a long way and is now a mature industrial product, used in a wide range of applications.
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